How to open a bank account for Belize companies

Having a business bank account is vital in managing your business finances. Here are some potential options:

Application with local banks in Belize

Belize is a relatively newcomer in international financial services, only since the introduction of the International Business Companies Act 1990. Subsequently, the framework for international banking was established with the enactment of the International Banking Act in 1996. Despite its relatively small size, Belize's financial system comprises various entity types, including 5 domestic commercial banks, 6 international banks, 1 mutual fund, 14 credit unions, and 17 insurance companies.

The key regulatory bodies overseeing the financial sector are the Belize Central Bank and the Belize International Financial Service Commission (IFSC).

Opening an offshore bank account for your Belize business

If you're seeking a more convenient option, consider opening an offshore bank account for your Belize business. There is no need for signatory travel, and the initial deposit amount required is reasonable.

At BBCIncorp, we offer a variety of choices, from local to offshore banking, catering to your company's needs and simplifying the process of setting up a business account.

Wonder which can be the best bank for your Belize company? Let's find out with our Banking Tool

Open a Bank Account for Belize Company

Note: Our banking support fee does not include the fee for bank account application or any other required fee (if any) chargeable by the bank you choose to apply.

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* This fee is only for customers who have already used our company formation service

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What's Included In Our Fee

  • Consultancy on best-suited bank options for your business needs
  • Consultancy and review of the application process and document preparation
  • Support for preparing certified documents when needed – i.e., Certificate of Incumbency and Courier hard copy
  • Appointment arrangements with the bank(s)
  • A dedicated support team available for banking-related questions
what included in our fee

Why Our Service is Unique

  • One-time fee for multiple bank applications with premium package (if you fail to open a bank account in one bank, we continue to assist you in applying for other banks, without extra charge)
  • Affordable and efficient pricing plan
  • Support for opening a Belize bank account remotely
  • A proven record of over 12 years of experience with international banks
  • Prompt response and a step-by-step guide to the application
why our service is unique
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Need more references? Here is a Banking Tool to make your decision easier!

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Required Documents

  • Application forms

    • Bank statements

      • Bank reference letter

        • Certified copies of passports, proofs of residence of all directors/shareholders

          • Business plan

            • Business trading proofs (sales/purchase orders, invoices…)

              • Certified copies of your Belize company incorporation documents

                • And government certification of company good standing status

                  Additional supportive documents beyond the listed above might be requested to open your Belize company bank account depending on each local regulation, your business fields, and on a case-by-case basis.

                  Please get in touch with us to know the exact essential documents for your case.


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